New World Order
There is much information on the web about the New World Order, here is what certain powerful individuals have said about the NWO. The Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, Warburg's, and such families have been changing this world, and will continue to change it even more, and this as we have seen will be very bad for all of humanity. We have been seeing this build up to the NWO for many decades, but especially the last two decades we have lost more of our rights, and privacy in the United States than ever before.
And this is happening worldwide, just take a look at what we know about the NSA and other such groups that are watching the world, and keeping track of individuals.
Think about what JFK said below, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child." The NWO people are achieving this by controlling our educational system, news, reading material, movies, TV, taking away our rights, and soon all guns, and many other ways of controlling our lives, and our money.
Realize that just with the banks, and how most people are living check to check and are very much in debt and when banks fail, how are people going to survive. If being way in debt, and many will never get out of it, and having no savings, and this alone is truly being enslaved to the banking system. And at the top of this banking heap are families such as the Rothschild's, and Rockefeller's that want to control every person in the world. And controlling the banking system is the easiest way to be able to control every person on earth.
Those that know the Bible realize that one day soon the Tribulation period of 7 years will start. And midway through this period the Antichrist will show who he really is, and require people to take a mark to buy and sell, or they will die. When you look at the world banking system the controls are there to shutdown anyone's banking account or credit cards at any time. This has already happened with various people several times.
Daniel 7:23 - Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
Revelation 13:16-18 - And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
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Depopulation Quotes
Why we are where we are in America and it has to do with both Democrats and Republicans. I will layout just some of what the last 8 Presidents have done to bring us closer to the New World Order. JFK and Donald Trump have been the only presidents since JFK that have openly said they did not want a New World Order. With Donald Trump does he really mean what he is saying, or is this just another deception by the elite.
Both parties have been working together to pull this off no matter if you think that they didn't realize it or there was an actual plan to bring in the NWO as some of the presidents have said along with other globalist such as Rockefeller, Soros, and Kissinger.
These guys are very good at lying and putting on one face to the public and yet they turn around and do the opposite of what they said. Or behind the scenes they make laws with EO's , Memorandums and such which are then ruining this country with no regard for what it's doing to the American people. At some point there probably will be a lot of blood shed as people wake up to what is going on and try to stop it by fighting, demonstrating or whatever they think will work. Because trying to work through the government process sure has not done anything to stop this when both sides have been working towards the same goals of where we are now.
All of the below is just the tip of the iceberg of what has happened, but these are facts of what each of these presidents have done to bring us closer to the New World Order.
1. Richard Nixon- Brought the American public fiat money by taking us off of the gold standard in August 15, 1971 and this was what the Federal Reserve were looking for since we were about to become the Reserve Currency and we didn't have enough gold to back the dollar being used throughout the world. This then allowed them to manipulate and print as much money as they wanted to control what was gong on in the financial realm around the world.
2. Gerald Ford- He performed the Halloween Massacre where Donald Rumsfeld became the Defense Secretary and Henry Kissinger remained as Secretary of State, and George Bush became the CIA Director. Which is where Bush gained more of his inside experience on how to covertly run government affairs which came in very handy later with his presidency. Then the globalist Henry Kissinger worked his magic with the Trilateral Commission and dealing with leaders around the world to bring the One World Order closer to becoming a reality.
3. Jimmy Carter- Well lets just say he filled many of his positions with Trilateral Commission people that helped lead us further down the New World Order road and if you aren't familiar with the TC then look at my section in Facts on the TC. He was very close with David Rockefeller who started the TC and was involved with many other groups of this type of NWO thinking. Carter started the Department of Energy and established the National Energy Policy which was all part of the Technocracy thinking, he also started the Department of Education which was the start of changing our educational system even more in the most horrible way. He was the one that started the Community Reinvestment Act that lead to the Mortgage debacle which then put us to where we were in 2016 with Obama running things along with the Feds. In 1980 Jimmy Carter started the Department of Education that then incoming president Ronald Reagan began to immediately build up in his 8 years in office.
4. Ronald Reagan- He was elected because part of his campaign was to abolish the federally run Department of Education that Carter had started. And as you see below they even say they were started in 1980 and this is from their web site. Reagan did everything but abolish the DOE, instead he continued on modifying the Department of Education by working with Mikhail Gorbachev to bring people from Russia to train top people in our educational system to make it more like Russia's educational system.
The Director of Education from 1980 to 1982 was a Christian woman that saw what was gong on and talked to Reagan about the changes being made and wrote letters to him because she saw the letters on his desk and marked by him so she knew he had read them, but he never responded back to her. And she tried her best in talking to him about the various issues she saw with this new plan of changing the educational system. In 1982 she finally quit because she saw he was not going to do anything to stop it and she could not be a part of what was being done to the educational system.
One of the main reasons we are where we are now in our educational system mess and the dumbing down of our students started with Reagan. We went from being at the top of countries around the world with the best educational system to one of the worst at present. This is where evolution as fact instead of theory was really injected into the educational system at all levels. And God was taken out of the educational system even more so than what happened in the early 1960's.
Along with the whole community thinking and the community owns and needs to raise the children aspect came into play. And this now is really prevalent in Europe with people from the government basically raising the children and have more power over the children than the parents. Also the idea to give a ribbon to everyone and lets not have contests to see who is the best at whatever event. So now we have people below the age of lets say 45 and some have been dumb downed so to speak and have no real drive to be the best that they can be in whatever field they have chosen.
And many are living with their parents because they can't make it on their own. This really shows up in the latest statistics of the millennial's concerning employment and them living with their parents. At the moment the real unemployment figures are about 20% unemployed in America. There are many other aspects involved with this one, but this is a big part of what has happened to our youth.
Then he also gave us NAFTA along with Congress and this gave him authority to fast track and negotiate free trade agreements. He also worked with prime minister Mulroney in Canada to begin negotiations for the Canada/US free trade agreement which was signed in 1988 and went into affect in 1989.
5. George HW Bush- He was the first president to really openly promote the New World Order. Then he brought us the Clean Air Act which was somewhat the beginning of the carbon laws that businesses are now dealing with. He brought us the Immigration Act of 1990 which led to 40% more legal immigration, but didn't help the Americans that were already here looking for work.
He led America into the Iraqi war under false pretense, but below is another quote about the New World Order on his reasons for the war. Think about what he is saying and why once again we are in that region fighting now ISIS that the CIA started and guess what Bush was once the Director over the CIA. Then he says in the below quote "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective- a new world order- can emerge." So now that we are closer to the New World Order, it just gives you a warm fuzzy feeling all over. Anyhow Bush was for sure part of bringing about the New World Order that we are about to see come alive.
And we can't forget that he also worked on NAFTA by working with Mexican president Salinas to liberalize trade between Mexico and the US. Then Canada requested a trilateral agreement between the 3 countries that led to NAFTA being signed in 1992 by George H.W. Bush along with the other two leaders.
6. Bill Clinton- He modified the Community Reinvestment Act that Carter had started and was pushing banks to make sub-prime loans to poor people so that they could make like they were middle class citizens and this was a big one. And we know how this one ended up starting in 2007 and where it has led us as of now with our increased debt.
As with all of these leaders they have all told various lies and Clinton of course went even further in dealing with the Supreme Court and Monica Lewinsky. Also all of these leaders were involved in many many other laws that were created to bring us to this point in time. Clinton also worked the NAFTA agreement that brought Canada, US, and Mexico closer together.
7. George W Bush- When he came into office he and his administration knew exactly what was going on with the whole mortgage debacle and choose to do nothing about it, but let it continue on until the end. At the end of his 2nd term we then began to see this mortgage debacle unravel. And who came into to save America, but none other than the Federal Reserve. Who then started the whole QE process to take us further into debt.
Also during his term we had the 911 attack that led to the USA Patriot Act and we have seen the control that this gave to the government over the American public. He also brought us several other pieces of legislation to help control the American public under the guise of security because of the 911 attack. Read and check out the videos on 911 at my 911 Truth page.
When you understand what George W Bush and his brothers did along with several people at the top of the Bush administration, it's a real eye opener on just how evil these NWO people are. But here again most people don't want to accept where the facts lead when truthfully investigated. Most would just want to believe the government's lie on what happened with the 19 al-Qaeda people and the news keeps reinforcing this story over and over.
8. Barack Obama- Well he of course continued on with working with the Feds and the QE's that took us further into debt. With the QE's you can see how the whole financial setup has been brought to us starting with Clinton and following thru Bush, and then with Obama. We are about to see the culmination of this one with the coming financial collapse that may lead us into the New World Order. Because this one will be a world financial collapse that is in progress already thru the world and has been for some time.
We have had Obama getting rid of those in the military that will not back the government such as the 270 commanders that he released in 2014 and there have been many more. There was an article from a Lt. General that showed in 2012 how many of the forces would back the government. So they have been tracking this for a while and getting rid of those that would not back the government. This is in the Jade Helm section of this web site. Then we have the Jade Helm setup for supposedly military RMT of which he has brought us. And they could be used at the time of the financial collapse for martial law or any number of uses as we move forward. With Jade Helm we have military from around the world on US soil along with UN troops and as of September 2015, we are now seeing Saudi Arabian vehicles by the 100's in the United States.
Then he has used EO's and Memorandums to put into place more ways that the banks can control our money and they now can use the bank account money to pay off derivatives. He was just breaking down society more and more with the laws, EO's, and Memorandums coming out along with the Supreme Court rulings. After about 6 1/2 years of presidency he has between EO's and Memorandums about 408 by about the end of June 2015. We have moved more and more into globalism across the board through all of our society, which is moving us closer to the New World Order. Let alone what Agenda 21 that was started in 1992 and now we have Agenda 2030 has done, and is doing in our nation with at least the last 3 presidents supporting these changes.
Ronald Reagan Information
Overview and Mission Statement for the Department of Education
ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.
ED was created in 1980 by combining offices from several federal agencies. ED's 4,400 employees and in 2017 about $70 billion dollars are budgeted and dedicated to:
- Establishing policies on federal financial aid for education, and distributing as well as monitoring those funds.
- Collecting data on America's schools and disseminating research.
- Focusing national attention on key educational issues.
- Prohibiting discrimination and ensuring equal access to education.
George HW Bush Information
Bush spoke before a joint session of the U.S. Congress regarding the authorization of air and land attacks, laying out four immediate objectives: "Iraq must withdraw from Kuwait completely, immediately, and without condition. Kuwait's legitimate government must be restored. The security and stability of the Persian Gulf must be assured. And American citizens abroad must be protected."
He then outlined a fifth, long-term objective: "Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world order – can emerge: a new era – freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony.... A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak."[86] With the United Nations Security Council opposed to Iraq's violence, Congress authorized the use of Military force[85] with a set goal of returning control of Kuwait to the Kuwaiti government, and protecting America's interests abroad.
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. - John 1:1-4
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