The Jesuits
What do the Jesuits believe and teach? Here are two links laying out just who the Jesuits are , and what they are about, and doing in the world. This is the Jesuits Oath. This link exposes the Jesuits Priesthood of Evil Ways. Once you understand the Jesuits objectives, then it makes sense on many of the things that are happening in the world today. Now we have president Trump who is trained at Fordham University and Wharton College, both Jesuit colleges that train people in the Jesuit ways of doing business. And you have Pope Francis that is a Jesuit, and I find it interesting that after Trump became president his first foreign trip was to Mohammed Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu in Israel, and Pope Francis in Rome. And then he comes out with the Peace plan or Deal of the Century that became the Abraham Accord for Israel and the Palestinians.
Jesuit Universities in America follow the teachings of the Society of Jesus, and were some of the first Catholic schools built in America. Catholic teachings have much influence in Jesuit schools. Below is a list of 6 core Jesuit elements from Boston College. They all sound very good as an educational system. From a Christian standpoint and what the Bible has to say there are some problems here from how you find God. Jesus Christ said there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ, and believing that he is the Son of God, and died on the cross for our sins. And if you accept Jesus Christ into your heart, you then become a new person in Jesus Christ.
This does explain why Pope Francis is changing the core beliefs of the Catholic church due to his Jesuit training. As he works to bring about the One World Religion with all religions under the Catholic umbrella. And when you read the below Jesuit information you will see that this is exactly what the New Age movement is all about. This is why Pope Francis can accept any religion under his all inclusive Catholic umbrella to create the One World Church that the Bible talks about in the last days.
As a Jesuit school, Boston College builds on the three principles of Catholic education, said the Rev. Jack Butler. Jesuit education, Butler said, has six core elements:
- Care of the person. “Therefore,” Butler said, “Jesuit education is flexible and adaptable.”
- Experience. “Jesuits believe that students come with education,” Butler said. “We get them to reflect on their experience. Jesuit education is interactive and experiential.” As a result, experiences in the world, through either service projects or the practical application of classroom knowledge, are a key part of education.
- Liberal arts. Ignatius Loyola said that if individuals follow their desire, they will find God. In order to find that desire, Butler said, students need a broad basis of knowledge from which to begin seeking. Another reason that Jesuit education emphasizes the liberal arts is so that students can find God in all things. And finally, Jesuits believe that students should be able to converse on a range of topics.
- Mission. Jesuits are networkers, which is why they care that students can converse on a range of topics, Butler said. But their networking is to be better able to engage society. “Jesuit education prepares men and women to go out into the world,” he said.
- Service of justice. About one percent of the world is able to receive a college education, Butler said. So the rest of the world is looking to those with an education to be able to make a difference in their lives. “Because of our mission, and our faith in God, we have a faith that does justice,” Butler said.
- Anticipatory joy. Jesuit education should inspire students to want more and to seek to live with enthusiasm. “Because we believe that the world is infused with the grandeur of God,” Butler said, “you’ll want to transcend yourself and get to your ultimate meaning. And there, you’ll find God.”
Now the above sounds very good. Let us look at what some famous men have said about the Jesuits, and what they are trying to do in this world. Then ask yourself what are two of the most powerful people in the world with President Trump and Pope Francis up to? And if you believe that Pope Francis is the False Prophet, then could Donald Trump be the Antichrist.
What Famous Men had to Say About the Jesuit Order
Famous Quotes About the Jesuit Order
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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. - John 1:1-4
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